On May 3rd, I got the incredible opportunity to speak to the teens at the public library on the subject of teen dating abuse! This is the second time I was able to speak there, the first time being with tweens about toxic friendships in April. I am so happy to live in a community where people are open to speaking about these issues, where they are open to letting young people learn about the possibilities out in the world and the challenges they might face. The library meeting went incredibly well! Even with a small crowd, I feel like hearts were touched and ears were open. Even though the girls were a bit shy in asking questions, the moderator for my presentation was able to guide such things, allowing me to grow in knowing what I might want to add in for next time. Currently, my program involves three parts: Awareness, Prevention, & Support. However, I really want to broaden support to talk about support systems as well as add a section on Recovery and Speaking Up. These two things, I believe, are crucial. Recovery because not everyone really knows where to start-- I wouldn't have known where to start if it hadn't been for a professor insisting I go to counseling services on campus a few days after breaking up with my abuser. Speaking Up is also something I feel should be touched on as it is a healing element, but one that can come with a backlash. I feel like young girls should know what they may face in order to prepare and stay strong!
I was also really thankful for the support I was shown by friends who came to the library either to just let me know that they were giving their support or sitting in on the presentation. And to all of you who have recently contacted me with supportive messages or with your own stories-- thank you so much, it means a lot to me.
I'm hoping to write about my experience with counseling next week, but I was excited to give my first progress report since I started my blog! If you know any organization (scouts, church, etc.) that might be interested in my program, my website with contact is here! To keep up with updates to this blog please feel free to hit the follow button to be alerted to new posts! Remember, the first step in solving the problem of teen dating abuse is awareness!

Currently, I am looking for more places to speak and am super excited about the opportunities that God is opening up for me. Every time one door closes, three more open! Every time something tries to knock me down, a dozen people are lifting me back up. I am seeing the hands of God moving whenever I step forward. I will say again thank you for all of those who take time to read my blog, contact me, and support me in my endeavors-- it's a true blessing in my life to have people like you.
One final note-- I am super excited to announce that I've ordered business cards! They are professional and completely me. They also allow me to give out information to teens I talk to so they can easily find resources on my blog or reach me through email-- sometimes it's hard to speak up in a meeting, but I am always willing to help and speak to people who are dealing with situations like what I went through in my teen years.
I'm hoping to write about my experience with counseling next week, but I was excited to give my first progress report since I started my blog! If you know any organization (scouts, church, etc.) that might be interested in my program, my website with contact is here! To keep up with updates to this blog please feel free to hit the follow button to be alerted to new posts! Remember, the first step in solving the problem of teen dating abuse is awareness!
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